Hildegard of Bingen
– a legendary healer, visionary, musician, artist, poet, and saint. Her works include seventy-seven symphonic compositions; Scivias, a compilation of her visions; and her two major medical works, Causae et Curae, the first christian medical compendium, and Physica - nine volumes on natural healing.
Hildegard von Bingen, a Benedictine abbess, was admired as prophetissa teutonica, (German Prophet) by her contemporaries. In her visionary illuminations we see that everything is inseparably connected in the cosmic web of the universe. In contrast to the mystical wisdom and knowledge of the East, Western science has in the past few centuries abandoned any spiritual dimension and is responsible for the environmental disaster plaguing this fragile planet. The growing awareness of ecological threats to continued human existence brings into focus Hildegard's visions of God the Creator and the working of the universe as a unity. Hildegard's wisdom can heal the split between science and spirituality because it provides a synthesis of science and nature with religion.
Hildegard's wisdom and healing art is not just a story for Germany or Europe, but since God is the creator of the entire universe, it relates to all of humanity. Therefore you will find here medicinal and nutritional informations in as many languages, as you can help me to translate.
Please send translations to praxis@.st-hildegard.com
St.Hildegard – epitome of Christian wisdom and healing art
Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179) recognized the building blocks of life, because through her divinely inspired vision she saw the power and the majesty of the universe.These visions continued throughout her life, and were the source of highly honered information on theology, cosmology and healing. Her holistic medicine is a multidimensional approach to body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Hildegard's work was lost over the centuries, and has only recently been rediscovered through our work. The Classical Hildegard Medicine is today widely accepted by physicians and patients all over the world.