St. Hildegard's 16 most important divine remedies

Dr.Wighard Strehlow Ph.D. -- See also --- We would like to find someone to distributes the products worldwide

St. Hildegard's diet of spelt, vegetables, spices and fruits provides an optimal digestion and can prevent and often cure the so called „uncurable diseases" of today. Hildegard chose the remedies in nature for their healing value (principle of subtility) so that there would be no difference between remedies and foods. Everything that is good for the body is also a remedy. As in progressive holist medicine, the organism as a whole is nourished and strengthened. When one is sufffering from an illness of the liver, not just the liver but the entire body must be cured. The art of cooking and the art of healing are one and the same in Hildegard's medicine. St. Hildegard put it very simply: „ Your food shall be your remedy."


The word diet comes form the Greek word „diaita" which means course of life. Nutrition is only one part of the 6 age old golden rules of life (res non naturales).

New life energy pours out of:

  • The healing forces from the four elements: fire, air, water and earth.
  • The curative value found in good food and drink.
  • The power of life itself through exercise and rest.
  • The restoration of health through sleeping and waking.
  • Regeneration through elimination and secretion.
  • The healing force found in the Christian virtues.

The Wonder Food Spelt

Healthier, stronger and more beautiful with spelt „Spelt is the very best grain ..."

The first clinical evidence that a diet is related to health, strength, intelligence and vitality is found in the first chapter of Daniel in the Old Testament. 2500 years ago King Nebacadnezer chose ten handsome, intelligent Jewish boys free from physical defects and of royal descent to serve his court. They were to be trained and nourished three years with the king's own diet, meat and wine. Not wishing to defile themselves, Daniel and three other boys refused the king's diet, eating only vegetables and water. After three years the king was more impressed by the health and radiant glow of Daniel and his friends than of the 6 other boys who had received the king's diet. No matter what question they were asked they were 10 times more intelligent than any magician in the whole kingdom. Spelt, a well-known grain in the Old Testament, was certainly a part of their vegetable diet. (Exodus 9:31, 32 Ezekiel 4:9)

Today science has increasing evidence that health is linked to the diet and life style. A report issued by the U.S. surgeon general and the National Academy of Sciene concluded that „diseases of dietary excess and imbalance ... now account for more than two-thirds of all deaths in the United States." (Chicago Tribune, July 16, 1989).

The 10 major degenerative diseases of overconsumption associated with the current diet high in refined and processed foods, rich in fats, salt and sugar are: arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease (heart attack) and cerebral disease (stroke), hypertension or high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes mellitus (adult onset), cancer of the colon, breast, uterus, prostate, ovary and pancreas, cirrhosis of the liver, Alzheimer's disease, venous thrombosis, kidney disease and Immune deficiency (virus diseases, influenza, colds, AIDS).

The significance of complex carbohydrates and fiber for the diet is also of utmost importance. Many diseases are directly caused by the under-consumption of food low in bulk (fiber) and high in caloric density. The diseases which can be avoided through a fiber-rich diet are constipation (poor digestion), diverticulosis, hiatal hernia, hemorrhoids, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), irritable-bowel sydrome, gallstones, depression and irritability, food allergies (adverse effects of food additives, pesticides and insecticides, wheat and soybeans) and early aging

The Hildegard diet of spelt, vegetables and fruit provides an optimal digestion and can prevent and often cure the listed diseases. Hildegard chose the remedies in nature for their healing value (principle of subtility) so that there would be no difference between remedies and foods. Everything that is good for the body is also a remedy. As in progressive holist medicine, the organism as a whole is nourished and strengthened. When one is sufffering from an illness of the liver, not just the liver but the entire body must be cured. The art of cooking and the art of healing are one and the same in Hildegard's medicine. Dr. Kollath put it very simply: „ Your food shall be your remedy."

Spelt constitutes a versatile, healthful family diet, since it tastes better than other grains and is suitable for both cooking and baking. Its success to prevent and cure diseases depends on knowing how to use it in the kitchen. An effective way to get spelt in the diet is to begin the day with a hot coarsly-ground spelt cereal or home-made muffins for breakfast, a daily spelt kernel lettuce salad and spelt bread for lunch and spelt rice (cooked kernels) or spelt pasta for dinner.

Hildegard of Bingen characterises spelt as the best of all grains: "... it promotes good circulation, provides healthy fat and is more highly nutritious and milder than any other type of grain. Spelt encourages muscular growth, a good blood count and cheerfulness. In whatever form you eat spelt, whether baked in a bread or coked in a meal, spelt is good and stimulates a good digestion.

All spelt products in their own way provide and sustain gastro-intestinal health. For normal digestion and constipation use whole grain products like whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, spelt kernels, spelt semolina (whole grain) and spelt flakes. If the Tendency, however, is towards diarrhea, it is better to opt for white spelt bread, white pasta, spaetzle, white flour-based soups or products made from spelt flour type 405 or 630.

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