The healing power of nutrition

The new book will be published soon at amazon: Summer 2014

A revolution in the kitchen - Nutrition and life style determine our health

This book is the most comprehensive summary available of all Hildegard's nutritional insights. It is a unique and acessable guide utilizing the remarkable possibilities for maintaining or restoring health through simple and tasty nutrition. A new era in medicine is beginning, which concerns itself with nutrition that can prevent illness and restore health more radically than ever before.

Hildegard, with her prophetic gifts and depth of vision, was the first and only one to describe the healing powers of food. Hildegard's nutritional approach is simple and healthy for many reasons. Healthy nutrition must not only taste good, but must also refresh body and soul.

This book contains more than 300 recipes and 18 cures and diets. It also covers the spiritual dimension of nutritional ingredients with their healing powers and important aspects that Hildegard calls subtle qualities. Based on her visions these subtle qualities define the differences between apples and pears for example. Grain, vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, nuts, herbs and spices and even drinks have been described in the Physika according to their subtle qualities. This knowledge also includes the building blocks of life and holistic interrelationships between human beings and the rest of nature.

Various sicknesses can be helped or often healed with 18 different diets following the Hildegard nutritional approach. As proof, thousands of healthy and sick persons have themselves experienced and come to love the benefits of Hildegard's nutitional approach in the „Hildegard Healing Center" (Kurhaus) in Allensbach, in good as well as in difficult times of their lives.

The recipes in the middle of the book include breakfast foods, spelt for pasta, pizza, bread and cake, vegetarian spreads for bread, soups, salads, and also healing meat dishes plus many more. There is no doubt that this new approach to nutrition can also change and improve your health and your life.

In recent research, especially in the most comprehensive study ever done concerning the prevention of cancer through nutrition „ Food, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Cancer, a Global Perspective", internationally recognized scientists from 8 countries and 4 continents confirm what Hildegard of Bingen described 850 years ago.

LifestyleLife style - 40%, Nutrition - 40%, Genetics 10%, Environment - 10% as significant for prevention of cancer

Therefore, it becomes clear that healthful nutrition is able to preserve health and to reduce illness by 40 % (for example, the rate of colon cancer by even 55 %), and can help prevent other cancers and illnesses.
Life style is reponsible for another 40 % of the healing influences upon our health. Genetics and environmental factors, each with 10%, are minor factors which influence our health only slightly. Please look very clearly at these statistics: 80% of all health factors lie in our own hands and in our choices regarding nutrition and life style. Whether we become ill or not with heart attacks, flu, cancer, rheumatism, or other auto-aggressive diseases is determined only to a small extent by genes, viruses, bacteria, or fungus. Whether we become ill or not is governed instead by our immune system, that is, in turn, influenced by our nutritional choices and by our style of life.

What is healthful nutrition?

Hildegard's nutritional recommendations are based on the knowledge of the healing power in our food, above all in spelt, fruit and vegetables, as well as in healthy kinds of fish and meat as side dishes, and in herbs and spices which serve as hormones of digestion. Ninety percent of the healing success found in this nutrition can be traced back to spelt alone, with its wealth of minerals which prevent over-acidity and protect the body from infection, Spelt also contains a high amount of complex carbohydrates providing fiber for good digestion, energie for our nervous system, promoting the growth and health of natural intestinal bacteria and improving the conditions for optimal metabolism. Complex carbohydrates are the basis for harmony between body, soul and spirit. When we eat them, we feel balanced, peaceful, more content and productive.

Nutritional experts, many doctors and numerous books and magazines, not to mention radio and TV, base a correct diet on whole grains, roughage, not too much fat and sugar, maybe even sugar substitutes, margarine instead of butter, only small amounts of alcohol and very little salt. Tasty and healthy nutrition inspired by the visionary Hildegard of Bingen, however, will enable us to make better nutritional choices so that we are in the counsel of „kings" in the true sense of the word.

Dr. Wighard Strehlow
Allensbach, Lake Constance,
January 2014

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