The Unruly Mystic: Saint Hildegard of Bingen

Liebe Hildegard-Freunde,

die nachfolgenden Worte seitens Michael Conti - amerikanische Filmemacher, der einen Film über die deutsche Mystikerin Hildegard von Bingen drehte - wollen wir Ihnen im Original übermitteln:


Dear Friends,

Thank you to everyone that contributed money, the German language trailer is the fruit of those efforts. You inspired me! If you missed out this round, I can still use your help. There is still much fundraising to be done to get the film out into the world. You can start with a simple LIKE of our Facebook Page!




I will be screening the film for the first time at the International Hildegard Congress in Constance, Germany on October 17-18. If you are interested in attending or learning more, go to the following website.

I had an interesting conversation with my college film students last night after I showed them the German trailer, a couple of them didn't know what a mystic was. Someone said it concerned having mysts around you, another went in more the direction of the socercer, witches and warlocks. When I finally explained that each of us is capable of being a mystic and what a mystic really was, someone awake to the world around them, their young eyes lighted up. They were inspired!

I wish everyone the very best on their own journey with Saint Hildegard.


Michael Conti


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1890 Quince Ave
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